Stage E(a) Course Footage with Adrian Makurat

While on their way to TA 5 and the final trekking loop, teams had the opportunity to pick up three additional CPs on a small but difficult embedded trek section on Stage E. Adrian was on course with a camera to catch teams as they passed by CPs E2 and E4

Teams: Bend Racing / 4 Hour Fuel, WEDALI, Team Canada Adventure, Pentathlon Des Neiges, GMARA / VERT, Rev3 Endurance

Teams: We Will Survive, TanZ Navigation / EX2 Adventures, Rootstock Racing, Adventure Girls, Electric Mayhem

Teams: Mercators, Full Spectrum Racing, Adventure Enablers / Enabled Tracking, Adventure Enablers Solo, Fragile Flower, Jackalope AR, Lost and Wandering in the Woods, Spare Parts, Trust the Compass, Ubuntu, Wildstyle


In Pictures: Randy Ericksen Follows the LONG Bike stage(s)


In Photos: The Long Bike Through the Lens of Nic Wynia